I packed and shipped this Deborah Harry photo, valued at $5,100, to Belgium via UPS Expedited service. However, when I tracked the shipment this morning. I discovered that a Shipper's Export Declaration Form was required due to the value which exceeded $2,500.00. I did not know this was necessary, and have never filled out such a form before. Well, live and learn, as they say. You can download the form yourself from the UPS Web Site or for a $10.00 service fee they can assist you in person by calling their UPS preferred customer service hot line (800) 377-4877...This is good information for anyone shipping high value items (over $2,500.00) such as this Internationally.
google first rap song . And Deborah Harry will pop up. bet you did not know that..great photo over looking NYC ... keep on posting thanks Goody